The Holiday Gift Guide

Kingsway is on Thanksgiving break, ready to eat our weight in turkey and see some family we don’t get to be with often. Beyond the incoming Thursday, it will officially be *drumroll* the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any other occasion with your family, there is generally a circle of gift-giving during this time of year.
Is your Great Aunt Bertha with no kids and a yacht breathing down your neck for a gift idea? Is Mom locking you out of Amazon this week, starting the countdown for last-minute desires to be placed on your wishlist? Or how about the panic of finding a gift to give— something easy or low cost, something expensive, something you can’t seem to think of? Never fear, the Flame is here! With our trusty friend Google. It won’t take a Christmas miracle to find that special something for your brother, sister, mother, dog, significant other…. et cetra.
The Ones With Little Cash to Spare:
Low on cash and low on ideas? There’s countless things you can put together for those you love this year. One of the best ways to go is with a handmade gift: whether it be painting, jewelry, making tutus, or any other kind of artistic inclination, I know that my heart always warms whenever I receive something made by the giver. It shows how much you really care, and usually doesn’t cost a ton. If not, there’s always the “basket of little things” that are practical, loved, and less expensive. A hop, skip, and car ride to Five Below, the Dollar Store, or even Rite Aid will leave you with lots of opportunities to grab your friend’s favorite candy or gum, with maybe a pair of socks or a candle, and even a corny little toy to make them laugh.
The Ones Who Need to think Fast:
If all else fails, think about who your friends are. Are they sporty? If they play football, buy a new football; if they play an expensive sport, find some off-brand favorite team gifts. Are they musical? Buy them a new music notebook if they write or compose; buy their favorite album or clothes with their favorite lyric/artist. Are they artistic? Run to Michaels. What have they been complaining about? If they’re whining about something, buy the solution. What did you overhear them say they needed the other week? I know that if my friend bought me more pencils right now, I’d marry them. Even if your friend likes to sit on their couch and scroll on their phones and does nothing else (firstly, you need to get them out of the house) you could always think of the practical gifts for that, like a new phone case, a blanket to hide under, or socks to keep their feet warm when their feet fall out of the end of said blanket.
The Ones Who Don’t Care About the Price Tag:
We get it, and you got it. Or bought, anyway. There are tons of new gifts out there that can show your friend how much you love them by wasting no expense (or as much as a teenager might have hidden in their sock drawer). Technology has been and always will be the way to go for this category, alongside tickets to concerts or sports games. This can also be applied to the “I know my friend and listen to the practical things” side of the coin as well. Or, pyramid. If your friend loves makeup or sports, get them a fancy palette or team jersey (respectively). You can also never go wrong with shoes, and most can even be personalized to make them more special for the one who receives them.
Hopefully, Santa Claus smiles down upon you this December, while you smile in relief at figuring out a gift for your loved ones. As a person who loves giving (and receiving) presents, rest assured that most will be touched that you even thought of them. My personal rule of thumb is simple: if you know them, you cannot go wrong. Maybe you’ll be able to finish off your Christmas list now, too (which you should hurry with, because shipping has been predicted to be a disaster and the later it gets, the less will be guaranteed to make it to you in time). Enjoy Thanksgiving this week, and then have fun celebrating your favorite holidays with those you love. And if all else fails, gift cards will forever be the way to go!