March Horoscopes

Pisces (2/19-3/20) You may experience difficulties in school or your career this month, but because you have previously been responsible, disciplined yourself, and managed your time, everything will work itself out.
Aries (3/21-4/19) This month, it will be beneficial to rely on your relationships and support system to ensure your mental health stays at its best. Pay attention to your dreams this month; your intuition might be trying to tell you something.
Taurus (4/20-5/20) This month, you may receive some type of reward or praise for your hard work, whether it be monetary or a pat on the back from someone important to you. Share your happiness with friends or family!
Gemini (5/21-6/20) Beware of drama from friends jealous of your new opportunities coming this month. Stand up for yourself and confront anyone who is trying to take away from your successes.
Cancer (6/21-7/22) This month, you may find that you are able to articulate your feelings easier than normal, whether in romance, business, or school. This will lead you to rewards such as a raise or a new relationship.
Leo (7/23-8/22) You’ve been nervous to admit your feelings to a crush recently, and this month is the perfect time to do it. The stars are on your side in any romantic endeavor, as your crush will welcome your communication.
Virgo (8/23-9/22) March will be a transformative month for you; make sure to take advantage of the new opportunities displaying themselves and embrace the change. Rely on your friends and family as you experience fresh starts in your life.
Libra (9/23-10/22) Although in the past you may have been reliant on various romantic partners, this month it’s important to focus on knowing who you are. Become confident in yourself and your ability to love and care for yourself. Treat yourself!
Scorpio (10/23-11/21) This month it’s important to confront those in your life who have been mistreating you recently. It may seem scary, but you’ll be happy to dissolve any tension and cultivate stronger relationships with those important to you.
Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) Focus on yourself this month; engage in mindfulness and self care. For the beginning of the month, it’s best to hold off on confrontational conversations as they may be founded on a misunderstanding.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19) You’re always very hardworking, but in March take a break. Allow yourself to rest and learn about yourself and your interests instead of overwhelming yourself with school work or shifts.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18) You may be looking forward to good news in your job this month! Reward yourself for all your recent hard work and be on the lookout for blessings.
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