How to Use Naviance

Naviance is a great resource tool for students starting to prepare for college. The website has many features available to enhance college searching and helping students explore and make the right decisions for college. Naviance is a gr

eat resource tool for students starting to prepare for college. The website has many features available to enhance college searching and helping students explore and make the right decisions for college. Making decisions for college is not easy, but with Naviance it is easier to manage.

Naviance has many useful tools, one of them being the Naviance’s “SuperMatch” College Search allows students to supermatch with a school, and you can select various criteria important to students while researching for colleges. In the article “How To Use

Naviance As A College Research Tool”, the author Jan Combs explains “In the “SuperMatch” College Search link, students can develop their search parameters, including criteria important to them, such as size and geographic location of the college, major, student makeup, selectivity, and activities and programs offered on campus.”. The SuperMatch college search is a helpful tool in the process of discovering colleges based on the student’s needs.

The SuperMatch college search helps you to discover the colleges you are interested in, and another great Naviance feature is the Scattergrams. After students select the colleges they are interested in, the feature Scattergram allows students to see previous students from their high school´s data on who was accepted, denied, or waitlisted. It also shows the GPA and SAT of every student. The article “How To Use Naviance As A College Research Tool” explains, “This is a scatter plot showing data from previous students from your student’s high school who were accepted, denied, and wait-listed by a specific college. This information is relayed on a Cartesian graph with the X- and Y-axes showing SAT and GPA information for a particular student.¨. Scattergrams is another resourceful tool that Naviance offers to students.
The college research process can be scary and students may not know where to start, but Naviance offers many helpful resources in aiding students during this stressful time. To find out more about Naviance, visit or reach out to your guidance counselor.