Kingsway Football: A Time to Remember
Football is the true American sport. Not even baseball, not basketball or to a small, deranged part of the US population, hockey. Though those sports in their respective universes are impressive and especially athletic, in the current reality that we are in only one sport can be called our favorite pastime. The pastime of our nation, our beloved country will always remain and persevere to be football, which is why I do this.
Tonight our Dragons face Clearview. While the game could be considered a toss-up, Hendricks and the Kingsway football denomination deem to make the game a win for our school district. Of course Kingsway, as one of the smallest districts in NJ dare to say the nation, has won and done away with teams that were stronger and more prepared for the Dragons, but fire and human spirit gave Kingsway a win. While in games where the Champions were favored to win and even were haughty and prideful enough to say that the win belongs to Kingsway, they were going to go home with their heads hung to the ground in defeat, with no trophy in their right hand to prove that they are the best. Rather, Kingsway as a tribe must unite against all outside forces; not to defeat them and shame their weakness in their faces, but to prove to the opposing team that we are stronger, better, and more excellent.
A single person does not make a team. Rather, it is all the members of the team that make it great. And for that to be made possible, the team of Champions BELIEVE THIS, that there are no superior teammates, follow the coaches’ direction because they know what is good for the team, and always love one another, not as students and definitely not by class but continue to view yourselves as brothers and always as a family. People like Darrel Brown Jr., Nate Maiers, and even Camillo Marusco worked hard at practice and at school but through their physical training prepared for tonight’s game won’t mean that they are flawless because they are human and that Is a part of it. The Leaders of the Huddle are like the rest of us, no more, no less. But still have faults because they know what they are but can achieve for themselves and Kingsway without fail and with power and resilience, they will do their best for the family and for themselves.
So this article goes to the Kingsway strong and proud and to the world, and all those who watch football along with what can are best described as nothing but beautiful and complex in all its ways. So for you, the reader, whatever you may be, just know that this sport cannot be contained and compacted into one word but into many people. And once you have something that people can watch on bated breath and lose their minds watching, there’s something special about football.