Have you ever had a friend struggling mentally and not known what to do? Have you ever wanted to reach out, but not known what to say? The Be There Certificate, founded by Lady Gaga, can help you learn how to do this and care for your mental health.
The Be There Certificate is a movement that can help people learn how to ‘be there’ for friends going through a tough time. It also encourages people to come forward if they are struggling and seek support from family and friends. It teaches the warning signs of suicide and common symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression. The course can take up to two hours to complete and includes articles, mini quizzes, and videos from people who have struggled with mental illness in the past. It also teaches users the Five Golden Rules, which are important in managing your own mental health while helping others with their own. The course doesn’t all need to be taken at once, breaks can be taken. Once you are done with the course, you will receive the Be There Certificate, which shows that you know how to help yourself and others manage mental health.
When someone is struggling mentally, they are more likely to go to a friend than an adult or family member. This website can teach you the right way to handle this and respond in the best way possible. Other times, someone who is struggling might not reach out to anyone at all out of fear or anxiety. This website can also teach you how to begin that conversation and open the door for your friend to confide in you. It is important to remember when having these conversations that your mental health comes first. You are not responsible for those confiding in you and should not sacrifice your own mental wellness for theirs. You should be there to support them, not be their caretaker.
Mental health is a heavily stigmatized topic that many are afraid to bring up. It is very important that we talk about our emotions and listen to those who do. Be There is a great website to learn how and help yourself and others with any struggles you may face.