The week of March 17th-21st, Kingsway’s Unified Club hosted a Spirit Week. Classes competed to see who could have the most students follow the themes of the day, including Neon Day and Lucky Shirt Day. The week ended on Friday with Rock Your Socks, where students were instructed to mismatch their most crazy and colorful socks in support of World Down Syndrome Day.
World Down Syndrome Day, a day of global awareness for this genetic condition, has been occurring annually on March 21st since its recognition by the United Nations in 2012. Since then, this day has also been nicknamed “Rock Your Socks” Day and is observed in schools and other organizations nationwide.
Down syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the 21st chromosome in a person’s genetic code. During cell division, this chromosome forms an extra copy of itself. This process, also known as trisomy, is what causes the different traits and symptoms that present as Down Syndrome. The day March 21st is meant to represent this phenomenon of the tripling of the 21st, since it is the 21st day of the 3rd month.
The reason for wearing crazy mismatched socks is not just to have some silliness in support of the day but also to represent the appearance of Down Syndrome chromosomes. The Down Syndrome Association of Delaware observed that the copy of the 21st chromosome appeared to look like a pair of mismatched socks and decided it would be an easy and inclusive way to allow anyone to spread awareness for the conditions.
Every year, the organization sells around 100,000 pairs of unique socks to raise money for their own organization and other outreach programs. While they were the first organization to do so, many state organizations have joined in the tradition and raised funds for the cause.
In the United States, around 400,000 and 600,000 people are living with Down Syndrome. Days of awareness such as Rock Your Socks help to provide these people and organizations with funds for programs of inclusion and outreach. So next year, on the 21st day of the 3rd month, make sure you rock your socks and promote support and awareness for those living with Down Syndrome!