Smart Lunch Fun


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Are you sick of the Cafeteria? I know, it’s so crowded. I know of some alternative locations that will hopefully not drive you nuts. Here are some locations that won’t get you bored:

1: The Gym. There are a lot of people at the gym. Chances are you will find someone that has the same interests as you or just someone to talk to.

2: Musical hallway: Like the gym, the music hall is a location where band and choir students are, but it is open to anyone. 

3: Media Centers.  Both Media centers are great to spend time in. Also my personal favorite. They offer a bunch of computers to do research on, Lounge chairs to chill out on, librarians that will help you with anything you need, and the best hot spot to get that priceless WiFi that everyone is dying to use.

Yes, enjoying your stay in the band hall, or in the gym is a good way to socialize, but keep in mind that schoolwork comes first. Many of your teachers of multiple subjects offer enrichment time during some, most, or all of the hour of smart. But not everyday, is the day to get help. All teachers recommend to use your time wisely and only plan days  hanging with friends on those that are not work enrichment days.Teachers also want you to take advantage of the smart enrichment schedule. Just take it from Mykila Queen.  I caught her on her way to Science. She says, “ I jump around but I mostly spend time in the gym. Getting help is beneficial, I would say that. Today I am going to get help for math.”

The Cafeteria can be described as many adjectives: Hectic, loud, annoying, and gross are words i have heard from a few freshman during smart lunch. Hopefully these alternatives will encourage students to think of other solutions during smart lunch instead of wandering the halls and eating in the cafeteria.